New App: GPXExporter

Yeah, another app. A friend told me about Fog of World. That’s an app tracking where in the world you have been and how much of the earth you have seen. It’s a super cool concept and really cool app. Unfortunately it only uncovers the earth from the first start of that app. The developer has thought about it and allows import from other apps in the form of gpx files. So if you track your sports (runs, bike rides, skiing,…) you can export the data and import them into Fog of World. Unfortunately I’ve been to a lot of places where I haven’t done any sports or recorded any tracks. But I took photos. A lot of my photos contain GPS information. So I wanted to create a tool to export the location data form those pictures and import them in Fog of World. And exactly that’s what GPXExporter does. It takes location information from photos and exports a GPX file which can be imported in Fog of World or other apps.

During the development I found out that Fog or World doesn’t like single places (way- or trackpoints) but only repeats ‘real’ tracks. Therefore I had to cheat a bit and put two points where only one should be. So I implemented a jiggle feature which places a second point about 1cm next to the original point. And TADA! it works quite well, as you can see on the header image of this blog post.

You can also export the gpx file to any other iOS app that supports the import of gpx files as well as saving it to iCloud Files, Dropbox or other file syncing services using the iOS Share sheet.

The app looks ugly, it has an ugly icon and only limited functionality. But what it should do, it does. Instead of keeping it for myself I’m giving it to you for one Euro/Dollar/….

And be sure, your location data or your photos are not transferred and used for advertisement. No, you pay $1/1€ and that’s it. No back door. No hidden functionality, no bull shit. Just gpx creation.

Download here from the App Store.